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New Jersey Eviction Laws

Termination and Eviction Rules in New Jersey

N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 2A:18-53(c), 2A:19-61.1, 2A:18-61.2(a) states that an unconditional 3 day notice to quit may be used for tenants engaging disorderly conduct; willful or grossly negligent destruction of landlord’s property; assaults upon or threats against the landlord; termination of tenant’s employment as a building manager, janitor, or other employee of the landlord; conviction for use, possession, or manufacture of an illegal drug either on the property or adjacent to it within the last two years, unless the tenant has entered a rehabilitation program (includes harboring anyone so convicted); conviction or civil liability for assault or terroristic threats against the landlord, landlord’s family, or landlord’s employee within the last two years (includes harboring); or liability in a civil action for theft from landlord, landlord’s family, landlord’s employee, or another tenant.

N.J. Stat. Ann. §§  2A:18-61.2(b), 2A:18-61.1 allows an unconditional one month notice to quit to be used for habitual failure to pay rent after written notice; continued violations, despite repeated warnings, of the landlord’s reasonable rules and regulations; at the termination of a lease, refusal to accept reasonable changes of substance in the terms and conditions of the lease, including specifically any change in the term thereof.

N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 2A:18-53(c), 2A:18-61.1(e)(1) provides that conditional 3 day notices to cure or quit can be used but lease must specify which violations will result in eviction. (Some courts have ruled that the tenant be given an opportunity to cure the violation or condition any time up to the entry of judgment in favor of the landlord.)